Thursday, 11 December 2008

Breaking out

I have come to a point where i realise my blog is no longer a safe blanket for my thoughts and feelings so i shall be off blogging for a while

dunno when i will be back..maybe when i'm ready to share again or maybe when i have grown out of being judged by what i write

Anyway, thank you for all your visits and comments!

Take care :):)

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Clean up this pigsty!

If there is one thing i hate, it's room tidying

Clothes everywhere in bags of all sizes and colours, overfilled shoe rack with shoes stacking on top of one another, overdoor hooks drowned in bags and coats, papers and books scatter all over the table, leaving the laptop to suffocate in the mess they make

Visualise those images and now transfer them to my room, a 6 x 7 square feet room

An eyesore?Absolutely!

You know it's time to tidy your room when
you can't find half of your stuff
your guest feels claustrophobic after staying for less than 1 minute
the messiness becomes a hazard,
your friend who has got used to the clutter starts giving you suggestions on how to keep things orderly.

Arghh...a few more things to be added to the shopping list

probably what i need to turn my room from pigsty to presentable

I wonder where i should sleep if i fit them all into my tiny room...Hmmm

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Beat the blues

For all you guys out there

ever wondered why girls can feel depressed for no apparent reason at all?

some call it chemical imbalance in the brain

women call it PMS's the hormones

it's that time of the month when you wake up in the morning feeling moody,headachy and tired, your pants feel tight and you wonder how the hell u gained weight overnight, you can't get enough of chips and chocolate, you feel bloated and crampy all the time even if you haven't tucked in anything and you get irritated by the smallest incident.

It is as if a different persona has taken over.

So ladies, how to fight PMS??
  • Eat complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain breads, pasta and cereals, fiber and protein. Cut back on sugar and fat.

  • Avoid salt for the last few days before your period to reduce bloating and fluid retention.

  • Studies have shown that taking 1,200 mg of calcium a day can help reduce PMS symptoms.

  • Magnesium supplement can help reduce bloating, breast tenderness and mood symptoms. There is also some evidence that vitamin B6 and vitamin E can help reduce PMS symptoms.

  • Talking with others about how PMS affects you can help. Sharing what you are going through will enable the people around you to be more supportive.

  • Get moving with aerobic exercise. Work up to exercising 30 minutes, four to six times a week.
  • Try new ways to relax and relieve stress, such as yoga or massage.
Last but not least
  • Avoid CAFFEINE and alcohol.
Gosh..i think the withdrawal symptoms will turn me into a manslaughter first!!

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

To: You From: Us

Dear Yin Hui,

Christmas awaits you at local Starbucks. As a valued Starbucks Card holder we'd like to invite you to try our new Dark Cherry Mocha, on us.

a little bit of festive magic from Starbucks

Monday, 1 December 2008

A Fragile Thing

As doctors, we're trained to be skeptical, because patients lie to us all the time. The rule is, the patient is lying until proven honest.
----- Grey's Anatomy : Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

Sometimes i think i'm not destined to do prosthodontics (a branch of dentistry dealing with the replacement of teeth)

first patient - a friendly chap but not compliant with his appointment. I have to discharge him after a couple of cancellations

second patient - a grumpy,nasty and fussy middle-aged woman who is willing to stay for only 1 hour for each appointment.Worse still, she is diagnosed with uterine fibroids weeks later and has to undergo hysterectomy which puts off her dental treatment.

now comes the third patient - a huge black man who is 30 min late for his first appointment

Medically, he suffers from hypertension, stroke, diabetes and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

When asked to come in early at his next appointment, he goes
"i live in North London. It takes me 3 hours to get here. There is no way to make it earlier!''

Clearly i have no idea how far Enfield (where he lives) is so i just take his words for it.

When queried about his dental and social history he jeers at questions like ''how many times do you brush a day?", "do you floss?" , "do you smoke?" which are what we call standard questions for dental check-up.

"You like being a dentist?Looking at people's teeth every day?" he sneers
"i'm enjoying it so far'' trying to sound positive
"i think dentists like giving empty promises!'' he then goes on how his previous dentist has kept him waiting for a year and never dealt with his missing teeth as promised.
"So i suppose the next visit will be in a year's time?" he gives me the scornful look which i hate a second time
"Of course not!Your next appointment will be on 15th Dec,'' i put down the date on his appointment card.
"Promise?I know your name and i will call to remind you. Don't you ever think you can fool around with me!"

WTF! first time my trustworthiness has been questioned by a patient!!

Even worse, i later finds out he is a big fat liar. It only takes 45 min max by train to travel from his place to Whitechapel according to my group mate who lives in North London. As a stroke patient, he is entitled to free travel after 9.30a.m. which explains why he refuses to make early appointment.

"3 hours is a joke!'' my group mate teases

Interesting enough, the patient warns me not to break my promise when he himself is a liar in the first place.

Trust is like a mirror. Once broken you'll never look at in the same way again.

But for the sake of my pros requirement, i must mend this fragile bridge even if it means i may have to put up with more lies then.

It sucks to be a dental student like me!!