Sunday 31 May 2009

insensitivity or insecurity?

Why are some people so full of themselves?
Why can't they see constant bragging only makes people around them annoyed, not impressed?
Why the hell do they dwell on the belief that people show indifference to their bragging simply out of jealousy?

be it plain thick skin-ness or a cover-up for low self-esteem

I feel sorry for them, truly



ashieBee said...

...maybe they didn't realise it kot!
...maybe they wanna cover their weaknesses.

too many maybe! but i think mostly its because they want to show their existence is significant. insecurity kot.

a*hui said...

if it's insecurity, i can understand
if it's insensitivity, i feel like giving them a slap to wake them up
too much!

h.3.l.3.n said...

sometimes they dont realize it themselves