Monday 25 May 2009

An old friend revisited

I have been voluntarily chained into a state of quiescence lol
not sleeping but reading
that curl-up-and-read-in-bed kind of reading
so it's akin to sleeping, only you keep your eyes open and change posture every so often (not recommended if you are weight obsessed or hyperthyroid or imaginary-impaired) :P

What actually sparked off my old pastime was the movie "The Reader", a film adaptation of a German novel by Bernhard Schlink. Stirred by Hanna's enduring passion for being read to and shame of being illiterate, I decided to revive my old hobby which has been abandoned for nearly 2 years

Looking back on the books I read during school days and outside college i realised my memory retains little about them...i can recall only a few,i mean a very few of them!
Such a waste of time you say
i say it's budget-friendly, in the sense that you can read them over and over, still get surprised at bits you'd forgotten as if it's a different story each time u reread.

Having said that, i do remember one or two books in which i got so emotionally involved that i wept like a baby. Perhaps that's one of the signs of a good book.

A Walk To Remember

This one is too hard to be forgotten. I watched the movie b4 I read the book(due to the scarcity of English literature in my hometown) I thought the movies adapted from novels usually lacked authenticity and insight of the story so I effortfully went to MPH bookstore in KL to look for it.Guess what! I stood by the shelf, finishing it in 2 hours. By the time i flipped to the last page, my eyes were already swollen like two eggs. What happened right after that was unforgettably embarrassing. People looked at me as though they had just seen a bullied girl craving for comfort. One woman even approached me to make sure i was ok. In the end I had to flee to the toilet and hide in there until my red, puffy eyes had disappeared. I may forget the whole course of dentistry 20 years later but certainly not this one.

Falling Leaves

I read this book totally based on my best friend's exaggerated remarks
I've never cried so much in all my life!
I scanned through the synopsis at the back - typical true story of an unwanted daughter
so predictable! i thought
Little did i know, i cried my heart out as i was reading it. Only this time i was in my room. No more drama like the previous book... phewww!
"Did you cry?" a quizzical look from her
" A little" i lied.

Man and Boy

Probably the last book to burst my tear glands (i'm not going to read another tear-jerking book, i swear! maybe..sort of..hopefully)
I wouldn't say it's the best book i have ever read but it's definitely, highly readable. considering there aren't many as heart wrenching and witty books written from male perspective as female fiction in the market. It's basically about a man screwing up and learning from his screw-ups. Precisely like what the critics claimed I cried 5 times and laughed out loud 4

All right, I can feel bookworms tickling me now



sunset2712 said...

I lurve the 3 books u mentioned!!

a*hui said...

like i said in ur blog, these books are the must-read ones for 80's baby
suddenly i feel so old LOL