Friday 20 March 2009

Kvetch of the week

for some reason i feel that time seems to pass slower than usual this week

lectures 9 to 5 almost every day. I find it racking to force myself out of bed early in the morning when normally i can sleep until i naturally wake which tends to be in the afternoon :P

the good thing about lectures is you can just sit back and relax while the lecturer is talking in front. consider yourself lucky if the lecturer has a wicked sense of humour but most of the time, it's long, dull and above all, excessively informative to the extent that your brain gets tired and switches off. At the end of the day, what you bring home is only 10% of the lectures and for someone like me, whose memory is equivalent to RAM, that 10% is *pooooofffffffffff* gone as soon as i snooze.
Honestly, what stays on is nothing but lecturer's jokes

sigh..have to endure another week of 9-to-5-lecture before we go back to clinic (Arghh..that's another pain in the ass!!) ..why do i complain so much??am i coming to the point where i'm already fed up with my routine life even before i qualify as a dentist??


I can't wait till i'm home.

April. Please come soon!!!!

1 comment:

h.3.l.3.n said...

very fast one already... 1 week 9-5 lectures, then some clinics and its APRIL!