Monday 30 March 2009

On 5th gear

only 2 days to go before i get on the plane and head home....yay yay yay!

only 1 day to catch up on an accumulated backlog of work....ouch ouch ouch!

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.

I can't agree more

Hey you!
chronic procrastinator,
hurry up
it's time to work your fingers to the bone!!!

Oink Oink


melwy said...

get on the plane and head home? huh? hols stil long to come wor?

h.3.l.3.n said...

ahui's holidays came early this year hehe

ashieBee said...

work work work. dont watch series aje :P ha ha ha.

syioknyeeee nak balik dah. can u bring back something for me kah? but might be a lil too heavy for u kot. i think u know what ;))