Wednesday 12 September 2007

New Occupants in Room B3

woohoo...the first 2 items i bought from ebay last week arrived today!!! I have been expecting red cards from Royal Mail and thought of collecting all of them b4 popping in the post office so that i could collect all my stuff in a go. Apparently,i'm not as patient as i thought i was. The moment i got the red card, i went to the office right away. It was yesterday when i got it. Sadly, the royal mail stafff failed to find my packet so i gave them my no. and hoped that they would ring me up when it comes by.Yup, they did and it was much quicker than i expected so i happily went in today to grab it. Now, here they are, settling in at their new home:)..Anyway, my Wilkinson stuff should be arriving today so there are more to look forward to. What a nice Wednesday!!

this potted flower is named Potty,Stitchie's new neighbour

this is my second 'roommie', Sunny

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