Thursday, 11 December 2008

Breaking out

I have come to a point where i realise my blog is no longer a safe blanket for my thoughts and feelings so i shall be off blogging for a while

dunno when i will be back..maybe when i'm ready to share again or maybe when i have grown out of being judged by what i write

Anyway, thank you for all your visits and comments!

Take care :):)

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Clean up this pigsty!

If there is one thing i hate, it's room tidying

Clothes everywhere in bags of all sizes and colours, overfilled shoe rack with shoes stacking on top of one another, overdoor hooks drowned in bags and coats, papers and books scatter all over the table, leaving the laptop to suffocate in the mess they make

Visualise those images and now transfer them to my room, a 6 x 7 square feet room

An eyesore?Absolutely!

You know it's time to tidy your room when
you can't find half of your stuff
your guest feels claustrophobic after staying for less than 1 minute
the messiness becomes a hazard,
your friend who has got used to the clutter starts giving you suggestions on how to keep things orderly.

Arghh...a few more things to be added to the shopping list

probably what i need to turn my room from pigsty to presentable

I wonder where i should sleep if i fit them all into my tiny room...Hmmm

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Beat the blues

For all you guys out there

ever wondered why girls can feel depressed for no apparent reason at all?

some call it chemical imbalance in the brain

women call it PMS's the hormones

it's that time of the month when you wake up in the morning feeling moody,headachy and tired, your pants feel tight and you wonder how the hell u gained weight overnight, you can't get enough of chips and chocolate, you feel bloated and crampy all the time even if you haven't tucked in anything and you get irritated by the smallest incident.

It is as if a different persona has taken over.

So ladies, how to fight PMS??
  • Eat complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain breads, pasta and cereals, fiber and protein. Cut back on sugar and fat.

  • Avoid salt for the last few days before your period to reduce bloating and fluid retention.

  • Studies have shown that taking 1,200 mg of calcium a day can help reduce PMS symptoms.

  • Magnesium supplement can help reduce bloating, breast tenderness and mood symptoms. There is also some evidence that vitamin B6 and vitamin E can help reduce PMS symptoms.

  • Talking with others about how PMS affects you can help. Sharing what you are going through will enable the people around you to be more supportive.

  • Get moving with aerobic exercise. Work up to exercising 30 minutes, four to six times a week.
  • Try new ways to relax and relieve stress, such as yoga or massage.
Last but not least
  • Avoid CAFFEINE and alcohol.
Gosh..i think the withdrawal symptoms will turn me into a manslaughter first!!

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

To: You From: Us

Dear Yin Hui,

Christmas awaits you at local Starbucks. As a valued Starbucks Card holder we'd like to invite you to try our new Dark Cherry Mocha, on us.

a little bit of festive magic from Starbucks

Monday, 1 December 2008

A Fragile Thing

As doctors, we're trained to be skeptical, because patients lie to us all the time. The rule is, the patient is lying until proven honest.
----- Grey's Anatomy : Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

Sometimes i think i'm not destined to do prosthodontics (a branch of dentistry dealing with the replacement of teeth)

first patient - a friendly chap but not compliant with his appointment. I have to discharge him after a couple of cancellations

second patient - a grumpy,nasty and fussy middle-aged woman who is willing to stay for only 1 hour for each appointment.Worse still, she is diagnosed with uterine fibroids weeks later and has to undergo hysterectomy which puts off her dental treatment.

now comes the third patient - a huge black man who is 30 min late for his first appointment

Medically, he suffers from hypertension, stroke, diabetes and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

When asked to come in early at his next appointment, he goes
"i live in North London. It takes me 3 hours to get here. There is no way to make it earlier!''

Clearly i have no idea how far Enfield (where he lives) is so i just take his words for it.

When queried about his dental and social history he jeers at questions like ''how many times do you brush a day?", "do you floss?" , "do you smoke?" which are what we call standard questions for dental check-up.

"You like being a dentist?Looking at people's teeth every day?" he sneers
"i'm enjoying it so far'' trying to sound positive
"i think dentists like giving empty promises!'' he then goes on how his previous dentist has kept him waiting for a year and never dealt with his missing teeth as promised.
"So i suppose the next visit will be in a year's time?" he gives me the scornful look which i hate a second time
"Of course not!Your next appointment will be on 15th Dec,'' i put down the date on his appointment card.
"Promise?I know your name and i will call to remind you. Don't you ever think you can fool around with me!"

WTF! first time my trustworthiness has been questioned by a patient!!

Even worse, i later finds out he is a big fat liar. It only takes 45 min max by train to travel from his place to Whitechapel according to my group mate who lives in North London. As a stroke patient, he is entitled to free travel after 9.30a.m. which explains why he refuses to make early appointment.

"3 hours is a joke!'' my group mate teases

Interesting enough, the patient warns me not to break my promise when he himself is a liar in the first place.

Trust is like a mirror. Once broken you'll never look at in the same way again.

But for the sake of my pros requirement, i must mend this fragile bridge even if it means i may have to put up with more lies then.

It sucks to be a dental student like me!!

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Never enough

A woman can never have enough shoes/bags/clothes

so what's new?

the hunt continues......

Friday, 28 November 2008

Never been so lucky

i had been in a stupor
before and after i collected my result

I flicked through my patient's notes without comprehending what i was reading
the words seemed jumbled up in my mind, not making any sense

I didn't pay attention when my tutor was talking

"What are you doing today?" he peered at me indifferently through his square glasses
"Yea. I've got a patient at 11 o'clock,'' words slipped out of my mouth like a pre-recorded answer
"So what are you doing today?"he repeated in a colder tone
"Ohhh..ermm..probably fissure sealant and topical fluoride,'' i suddenly regained my senses, as if i have just been concussed

Not a good start to the day

After the patient left, i stared at the notes with a pen in my hand, having trouble recalling what i just did. The only words reverberated in my mind were 'result', 'R 240', '1.15pm' and 'doom'.

i went down to the lab, hoping to preoccupy myself with some lab work before getting my result. Then i met Helen there. We decided to face our fear together so we went back up to second floor, R240. We saw some of our course mates holding a piece of A4 sized sheet and smiling in relief at the walkway.

Dunno why but it hurt when i saw those happy faces. It haunted me that i might not be walking out with the same kind of face.

Oddly enough, it didn't seem to take a minute to collect my result slip but it took me yonks to pick up the courage and open it. Being braver than me, Helen read her slip line by line slowly, then looked up with unconcealed glee.

"Open it!i have a feeling we both have the same thing!!" She gave me a reassured look

Feeling paralysed, i slipped my shaking fingers into the envelop and withdrew the paper.

My eyes ran over every word again and again, trying to savour it slowly and make sure i wasn't hallucinating.

Section A, result : Pass
Section B, result : Pass
Result at Part 3 : Pass with Distinction

Ohhhh Myyyy Gawddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again, i entered a phase of extreme bewilderment.

Speechless and reaction-less!!

Should i just.......scream??

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Where is hope when i need it most?

wherever i go i hear people talk about it?
whenever i turn a deaf ear to everyone my eyes betray me?
however hard i laugh to forget it lurks in my dream and refuses to leave as i open my eyes?

so vivid and real that i can no longer fool myself into believing it's just a nightmare

fear starts to take a horrendous toll on me
there is nowhere to run
nowhere to hide
nothing i can do to blank out

so i just lie in my bed
let the sad tears i have been holding back fall
maybe if i dry my eyes up now it won't all end in tears?
let my heart fall
maybe if it hits the ground now it will stop falling?

but right now
i just want to escape
the uncertainty
the inevitability
the despondency

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Laugh while you can!

A joke is funny because it makes sense; nonsense is funny because it does not

not everyone can tell good jokes but everyone is gifted with the ability of talking gibberish
i personally don't get jokes right the whole time. In fact, i' m always the one looking bemused and wondering when everyone else is already laughing their heads off at somebody's joke
Nonsense is ,however, a completely different story. My language processor may be impaired when it comes to jokes but is certainly oversensitive to rubbish.
So if you wanna make me laugh, just don't talk sense
you'll be surprised how effortless and easy it is to crack me up

Here is some silly billy nonsense that i still find hilarious after having read them for zillion times. I know results are coming out this Friday but try not to let yourself fall into misery before you read this

Farting people

The Vain Person

One who loves the smell of his own farts.

The Amiable Person

One who loves the smell of other people's farts.

The Proud Person

One who thinks his farts are exceptionable fine.

The Shy Person

One who releases silent farts then blushes.

The Imprudent Person

One who boldly farts out loud, and then laughs.

The Unfortunate Person

One who tries hard to fart, but $#!^$ instead.

The Scientific Person

One who farts frequently, but is truly concerned for the environment.

The Nervous Person

One who stops in the middle of a fart.

The Honest Person

One who admitted he farted, but offers a good medical reason.

The Dishonest Person

One who farts but blames the dog.

The Foolish Person

One who suppresses a fart for hours and hours.

The Thrifty Person

One who always has several farts in reserve.

The Anti-Social Person

One who excuses himself and farts in complete privacy.

The Strategic Person

One who conceals his farts with loud coughing.

The Sadistic Person

One who farts in bed and then fluffs the covers over his bedmate.

The Intelligent Person

One who can determine from the smell of his neighbor's fart, precisely the latest food items consumed.


Sometimes...when you one sees your tears...

Sometimes...when you are one sees your pain...

Sometimes...when you are one sees your smile...

But fart just one time..


The next time you're having a bad day, imagine this:

  • You're a Siamese twin.
  • Your brother, attached at your shoulder, is gay.
  • You're not.
  • He has a date coming over tonight.
  • You only have one ass.
  • Feel better...

Company Policy Changes

Effective Immediately

Dress Code

It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your salary. If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a raise. If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that you may buy nicer clothes, and therefore you do not need a raise. If you dress just right, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a raise.

Sick Days

We will no longer accept a doctor's statement as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.

Personal Days

Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year. They are called Saturday and Sunday.

Bereavement Leave

This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you can do for dead friends, relatives or co-workers. Every effort should be made to have non-employees attend to the arrangements. In rare cases where employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early.

Toilet Use

Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilet. There is now a strict three-minute time limit in the stalls At the end of three minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the stall door will open, and a picture will be taken. After your second offence, your picture will be posted on the company bulletin board under the "Chronic Offenders category". Anyone caught smiling in the picture will be sanctioned under the company's mental health policy.

Lunch Break

Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch, as they need to eat more, so that they can look healthy. Normal size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced meal to maintain their average figure. Chubby people get 5 minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to drink a Slim-Fast.

Thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here to provide a positive employment experience. Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternation and input should be directed elsewhere.

Monday, 24 November 2008

Just for fun

got an email with a fun series of word puzzles from a friend

1. Arrange the letters of this phrase that will give the same meaning of that phrase: "ELEVEN PLUS TWO"

2. 120 ways to arrange the word "April". It doesn't even have to be a word, just all 120 ways to arrange the word April.

3. Arrange these words into a meaningful sentence "love ever u hate me like heart for if u never in life"

4. Arrange these letters in 3 words (hint: words you say when you are in love)

The first two questions are easy as they are simply logic but the last two are struggles for me
No wonder i never win the damn word scrambler

Well, give them a shot if you are just as bored as i am


Saturday, 22 November 2008


a way of holding onto

the things you love
the things you are
the things you never want to lose

Gone are the days of my past and innocence

Whose kid is this?? So cuteee! *giggle*

Friday, 21 November 2008

Song dedications

If someone dedicated this song to you

Cold As You

You have a way of coming easily to me.
And when you take, you take the very best of me.
So I start a fight 'cause I need to feel somethin'
And you do what you want 'cause I'm not what you wanted.

Oh, what a shame.
What a rainy ending given to a perfect day.
Just walk away, no use defending words that you will never say.
And now that I'm sittin' here thinkin' it through, I've never been anywhere cold as you.

You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray.
And I stood there lovin' you and WISHED them all away.
And you come away with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you.

Oh, what a shame.
What a rainy ending given to a perfect day.
So just walk away, no use defending words that you will never say.
And now that I'm sittin' here thinkin' it through, I've never been anywhere cold as you.

You never did give a damn thing, honey.
But I cried, cried for you.
And I know you wouldn't have told nobody if I died, died for you.
(Died for you)

Oh, what a shame.
What a rainy ending give to a perfect day. Every smile you fake is so condescending.
Counted all the scars you made.
Now that I'm sittin here thinkin' it through, I've never been anywhere cold as you

What song would you dedicate back??

Thursday, 20 November 2008

False alarm

Today my patient scared the hell out of me

i was meant to numb her teeth up before doing the extraction.
Nothing abnormal with her medical history except penicillin allergy
As soon as i gave the ID block, she started trembling, with her hands shaking uncontrollably followed by her mouth

"Is it normal to have this reaction after having the injection?" The patient looked apprehensive

Oh No! What have i done??

"Are u feeling nervous?" i tried to reassure her by putting my hand on hers

"No..not really...i mean i'm not afraid of needles or dentist usually...nothing can be as bad as childbirth really"

Okay, that wasn't what i wanted to hear. In fact, i started to feel adrenaline rushing through my body. ADRENALINE! That should be a clue to...erhmm...anaphalaxis?!?! Damn!

"Have you eaten since this morning?'' i tried to contemplate other possibilities ...i know i just did HHD last week so i should be able to handle medical emergency but seriously, this cant be happening..NOT NOW!

"No, i haven't had anything since this morning. You see, the pain is killing me. I know i should have eaten something b4 i came but i jz couldn't," i could see her lips quavering as she talked

I asked the nurse to get me some sugary drink. When the patient was sipping it i quickly flipped through the heart trouble, no hypertension, no liver problem, renal is fine....

"feeling anything funny, such as dizzy,itchy and nauseous?" i tried to squeeze the symptoms of anaphalaxis out of my head.

'No...should I?" She looked more concerned

Hell no!
Allright, there is only one sign so far which is tremor...could be hypoglycaemia but just in case....start with ABC, call 2222, oxygen, adrenaline...ermmm...chlorphenamine, hydrocortisone... what else? saline..then? C'mon, think harderrrrr, yin hui!!

"i think my lip is numb now..oh look, the shake has gone...funny, isn't it??" she looked at her hands, fascinated with the sudden cease of shiver.

That wasn't funny at all. I felt like bawling at her!

After i sent her off, the nurse came to me and went
"I think she was just anxious.''

What a false alarm! After all the thrills i had just put myself through, i began to feel limp.

Guess i need oxygen more than the patient

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

A lovely Wednesday

It's the middle of the week

no lectures, nor clinics
slept almost till midday
the gals got no plan for today so i decided to hit the town alone and spend my day off my way

Rain or shine, day or night, weekend or weekday, the crowd on Oxford Street never diminishes

missing my buddies heaps!

not a good cook myself but i fancy experimenting with desserts, which reminds me that i need some guinea pigs for my little kitchen experiments ;)

HMV is another perfect place to get lost in, with mammoth collection of DVDs and CDs. My dear friends, when are we gonna watch MAMMA MIA?? We have been talking about it since last year *sigh*

Dark Cherry Mocha - a seasonal Starbucks newbie, recommended for non-coffee drinker

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Lucky Tuesday

Be careful what you wish for coz it might come true

A cliche? Maybe

Like a picture, a good cliche is worth 1000 words sometimes

I got up early feeling energised this morning...i guess i had a good start for DEC yesterday so i kinda looked forward to my second day of DEC

My first patient was a pregnant woman who complained of pain on her wisdom tooth. There was a big cavity on the tooth and she could hardly open her mouth due to the tormenting pain. As a routine, i did the history and examination, presented to tutor and then sent the patient down to x-ray department. I was already warned by the tutor that the tooth was not salvageable and the x-ray was needed to see the root morphology.

Yay! Extraction for today!!!

Dun ask me why i love extraction so much.

But, to my dismay the patient had to be referred to Oral Surgery coz it was a wisdom tooth extraction which might involve minor oral surgery.

Sightly upset and disappointed, i turned to Helen, telling her that i wanted to do an extraction. At least something different from the first day.
One minute i was whining, the next minute Dr Leung handed me a patient's note and said,'' Since you've just sent your patient away, here's another one for you. It's also an extraction!"

*cough cough* I hope she didn't hear what i jz told Helen.


This afternoon my group had cons session. Karn was the dentist so it was practically a chill-out for me. Apart from running up and down the stairs several times ( 4th floor to 1st floor and back up), i just spaced out most of the time. That's what a dental nurse does..ooops!

During the treatment, Karn and I talked about RCT(Root Canal Therapy). Both of us had a patient who needs a Re-RCT which is basically a re-treatment. To be honest, I'm quite reluctant to do the re-treatment as it's more complicated and the risk of failure is higher than the primary treatment. So, i told him it would be nice to get a simple rct case and yet, meet the requirement for endodontics.

It was only 5 min or less after i made that remark, Dr. Swati appeared all of a sudden and asked if anyone needs/wants an RCT patient.
Right away, Karn looked at me. Gobsmacked and speechless, i nodded my head faintly.

"When you've got a minute come and speak to me.We'll discuss with the patient what to do next."She walked off with a contented smile, like a math geek just found a solution to a complex problem.

I later on found out that the patient needs an RCT on the upper left 5 which is a SIMPLE RCT as i wished!!

Did my horoscope say that today is my day?!?!

sigh...I should have wished for more ...perhaps a free lifetime starbucks coffee voucher, a walk-in wardrobe or a lottery ticket worth 1 million!!!


Monday, 17 November 2008

Tricked? Almost!

It felt like first day back to school as i stepped into dental institute this morning

Fresh, yet familiar

A part of me was delighted coz i was going to do things i'm used to, just like a fish in more HHD bizarreness except medical history

Another part of me was a bit uneasy about what to expect. Obviously pain is the main issue but patient might come in with a massive swelling on the face, fractured jaw, foul-smelling abscess, broken teeth, subluxed TMJ.. or anything that falls into the category of dental emergency.

Anyway my patient was a blonde lad, complaining of pain on his left jaw. The pain was so bad that even analgesic failed to work.
I looked at his teeth..hmm...heavily restored, some had fallen out, lots of calculus and nicotine stains...then moved on to the site causing problem..Aha, i saw a deep hole in the middle of second premolar!

Phewww...i can handle this. So, the next hour was spent on giving LA, rubber dam, drilling, extirpating the pulp, packing in some hypocal and cotton pellet and followed by sealing it with a temporary dressing.

My tutor couldn't be bothered to check my treatment so i just gave the patient some post-op instructions and sent him off. One patient, one treatment. A good warm-up for DEC week.

At lunchtime, i grabbed a coffee from Nucleus as usual b4 heading back to my room.

Out of the blue my phone rang. Private number.
I thought it was Karn, my clinical partner.

"Hello, can i speak to Yin?" an unfamiliar female voice with not-so-british accent

"Yes, speaking''

"Hi Yin, Congratulations! You've just won yourself The Best Starbucks Customer of The Year!" She shrieked

"Err..sorry, i dun mean to be rude.May i know who is calling?" i was baffled

"Oh, my name is Helen.I'm calling from Starbucks in New York. You have been chosen to be the best customer of Starbucks in the UK!"

" this some kind of joke?" my head was full of question marks

"No, this is not a joke. This is an annual international prize awarded for customers who have shown immense loyalty to Starbucks......................."

"Hang on, this is really odd. How would you know my number?I've never given it to anyone in starbucks and heard of this strange award?!?!Sounds like a prank to me!" frowned

"This is real, Yin. I understand that you have a lot of questions and why you don't believe me. What about you take this ID down and go to the nearest starbucks to redeem your reward?"

"errr......." lost for words, trying to figure out who the heck it could be, cracking this lame joke

"Have you got a pen and paper? Your ID is wcu7893324......." She went on without waiting for my response

Suddenly something crossed my mind and i hung up the call right away.
Crap! How could i have not thought of that????
The lamest prankster of my group --> Mr B!!!!!!

hey you!! if you are reading this. you'd better watch out.
I'm gonna whip your head next time i see you!

Sunday, 16 November 2008

When lizard brain rules

Life after exam is enjoyably on the go

1 month of nerdiness in exchange for 11 months of carefreeness and idleness

can simply follow my heart, allowing my lizard brain to lead without a hint of guilt

and the best part is i'm not alone in this chirpiness

Not the best pizza i have had but with great company, anything goes

lost amid the knickknacks, would u?I know i would

fairy tale or reality? who cares?

My favourite of the night
1. Place it on a hard surface
2. Bang head against "BANG HEAD HERE"
3. Repeat until you are unconscious or in so much pain that you
forget about your stress

live like a hanging snowman - shine bright!

random is our theme

Friday, 14 November 2008

A night of laughter

A good belly laugh is all we need to keep ourselves balanced sometimes

5 starving girls, 3 puckered Yo!Sushi vouchers and 30 plates of scrumptious sushi

With excessive endorphins, the whole eatery echoed with our hearty laughter

it feels so great to have my hunger back after one week of poor appetite

plates mounting like a shot with 5 famished stomachs around

The return of long-missing wholehearted smiles

Life is tough, but thank goodness humans were created with a sense of humour

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Isn't it ironic

Less than 24 hours earlier i was fighting darn hard not to sleep, pushing myself to cram in 3 modules at the fastest speed possible. Even my jaw joints hurt from yawning. The only thing kept me from giving up was the thought of getting a good long sleep right after the last paper.

now the exam rush is over, the nightmare is gone but the side effect stays on

Post exam insomnia

2 hours of tossing and turning like an alert owl instead of dancing freely in the slumber land

All thanks to the past few days of overtaxing


First thing after exam -- clear out the shelf, get rid of things that shouldn't belong in my room

Bubbye, sticky notes! It's time to care for Mother Earth -->RECYCLE

Wednesday, 12 November 2008



eyelids are feeling so heavy nowww

keep reading the same line over and over

brain crash gets faster each time i try to reboot it, just like a vicious circle

must not sleeeeepp now coz no doubt if i do i'll be so doomed tomoro


Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Wake me up!

Please tell me this is just a dream
When i wake up, everything is gonna be fine

I experienced dyspnoea, palpitation, tremor, sweating, dry mouth, tachypnoea, abdominal pain,chills....all the signs and symptoms you will come across in Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Medicine but i'm medically fit and healthy, no family history of heart disease, lung disease, liver disease or whatsoever. So where did they come from??

I saw SLE, trabecular pleural effusion, cytochrome p450, brucellosis, sialadenitis, medication for acromegaly instead of angina pectoris, stroke, hep B, chronic renal failure, anaphalaxis and tuberculosis. But i remember Dr Lalli saying "common things happen commonly" so focus on the diseases you will most likely to come upon clinically. So why did i see so many unfamiliar things on the paper?

The only explanation is this is not real, right?

How come i still cannot wake up from it no matter how hard i try to pinch myself??

Monday, 10 November 2008

A lesson learned too late

Paper Ai is over but it's not the end yet. It's just the end of the beginning

The first paper is always friggin' daunting coz it signifies the start of an arduous battle

Like it or not, it's not a choice.

It's when all your fears and regrets start attacking you that you have no more time to go over the notes again, no more time to recall what you have read, no more time to look back on what you have missed out, no more time to console yourself you still have another day to finish what you haven't, no more time to dwell in remorse for not having been working consistently.........

Scary but true

3 more fiends to thrash.One fiercer than another

Certainly no time to kick back


Sunday, 9 November 2008

The silent killer


It's that time again.
Food doesn't taste as good as usual.
Appetite goes down right away when food is within sight.
Eating becomes an effortful task.

Oh, please eat!!

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Where did time go?

Why,it seems like only yesterday that i started my revision.
And now exam is just less than 48 hours away

I'm so horribly unready for it.
It feels as if my brain is failing me. i cant remember
all the clinical features of liver failure - jaundice, spider naevi, palmar erythema,leuconychia, excoriations and ...????
investigations for epilepsy - FBC, LFT, RFT,blood electrolytes and ....???
dose of tranexamic acid?1g?100mg?
how much dextrose to give to manage an unconscious hypoglycaemic pt?50%?20%?
side effects of thiazide diuretic??gout,hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia and what else????

Arghhh. ..i still cant recall them even with a gun to my head

Is there a clot in my brain, blocking the memory pathway??

Can someone order a CT head scan for me, please??

Friday, 7 November 2008

Wittypedia wanted

i have got 101 questions about HHD and dental stuff but my brain capacity is only 1GB (though some studies say the capacity of our brain is 1 to 1000 terabytes)
C'mon, time to let your Pentium-4 or Athlon XP shine!

  • What is the management for acute stroke?
  • How is oral lichenoid reaction treated?
  • Is GA contraindicated for patient with epilepsy?
  • How is jaundice treated?
  • What precautions should be taken in treating patient who has just undergone renal transplantation?
  • Is nitrous oxide safe to sedate patient with COPD?

  • Why is TTP important in endodontic diagnosis?
  • What are the clinical and radiographic signs of an acute apical abscess?

  • What antibiotics should be prescribed for adult periodontitis?
  • What is triclosan?How does it work?
  • How does dental fluorosis increase the risk of dental caries?

These are just a few questions that constantly bugging me to say the least.
So, do have a go at them, whether to do me a favour or to help yourself recall.

Oh, before i sign off, here is one last question for you to ponder

What is CMG? (This one should be obvious if you can answer all the questions above)


Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Call me silly but..

I'm not normally a big fan of horoscope but for once, i choose to believe it

Pisces Horoscope for November 2008

Make no mistake about it: This is one of your best months of the year. Even if you should "lose" something you think you need materially, spiritually, or emotionally, or have a parting of the ways with a person you used to care about, later you will see the wisdom in the universe.

Also this month, Neptune, your ruler, will go direct orbit on November 2 after being retrograde since the end of May, and Uranus, now traveling in Pisces, will go direct on November 27 after having been retrograde since the end of June.

The combination of these two planets turning from weak retrograde to powerful direct speed will have a positive effect on everything you do. These planets are writing your name in the sky, dear Pisces. Watch the days surrounding November 2 and 27 for extra-good news about something dearly important to you. You've had be patient and methodical in your planning, but now conditions are right for you to move ahead with great vigor. Hold on to your hat, dear Pisces!

Monday, 3 November 2008

Top 13 Exam Tips


Infective endocarditis


Emergency Medicine
Diabetes Mellitus

So, don't panic.
With these tips and a little bit of luck you will survive

*high five*

Saturday, 1 November 2008

You gotta be kiddin'!

had a funny dream last night

i was lying on my bed, reading transient ischaemic attack
I nearly jumped off
There appeared a familiar face from behind the door
Ah Lene!
Ohh My Goooodnessss jaw dropped
''Surprise!Long time no see, Ah Ma!!" she sprang into my bed
''When did u come to london??How come you never told me??'' i still couldn't believe my eyes
"I just arrived this morning..thought i should give u a surprise..hehehe"she giggled, full of mischief
"Oh, you just did.You're lucky that i have a strong heart...anyway, so great to see u here!!''i was struck by a blend of feelings-thrilled, touched, amazed...
''OMG look at u! you are so skinny!!Have you not been eating??'' from out of nowhere, she handed me two bars of Nestle Crunch
"Eat 'em!You need more energy to study.''
i agreed with her and straightaway munched on the choc bars delicioussss!
"Wan more?" She threw me another 2 bars
Strange. She seemed to have endless supply of Nestle Crunch so i just kept on eating until....

"Wake up call, caught you in the morning with another one in my bed...."
It was my alarm
Slightly disorientated, i got up with an intense guilt and worry

I did not just eat so many chocolate bars, did i??

*scratch head*

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

A letter from an angry brain

Dear Ma'am,

For the past 3 weeks, i have been

...deprived of the most fundamental labour's right which is the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay

...treated like a slave for working extra hours without wages

...fed with junk food and starved occasionally when you are not in the mood for cooking

...sedated with caffeine and tricked into working

...forced to ingest food with weird names like HHD,DM,Endo,GA etc in bulk and not allowed to puke although i'm already full coz you say it's not the right time yet

...trying to show you i'm exhausted, sleepless and depressed but you just don't care

...mentally and physically abused

Now i'm telling you for one last time


Yours angrily,

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Dove and Olive branch

What's so stressful about being a dental student?

reduced holidays, criticism at work, low passing rate in exam, endless clinical requirements, balance between manual skills and communication skills, insufficient treatment time, high expectations from tutor, patient's satisfaction, ever-changing rules of dentistry, risk of infections and..........

......harmony in the dental team
which i think, is the hardest to achieve


the reason is simple : we r humans, the most complex animal species, behaviorally, socially, and culturally.
Maybe we can improve our interpersonal skills but the relationship between other members in the team is not within our control.

Tough, isn't it?

Well, perhaps the only consolation is we dun hav to deal with life and death like our fellow medics

Now i know why there is Nobel Peace Prize

Sunday, 26 October 2008


can't stay focused in my work so i start browsing through nonsense on the net as usual

found some funny quotes which i can relate to

You Know You Have Had Too Much Coffee When…

The nurse needs a scientific calculator to take your pulse

Juan Valdez names his donkey after you

You have to watch videos in fast-forward

You lick your coffee pot clean

Your eyes stay open when you sneeze

You’re so wired you pick up FM radio

Your life’s goal is to “amount to a hill of beans”

Instant coffee takes too long

You want to be cremated just so you can spend eternity in a coffee can

You name your cats “Cream” and “Sugar”

Your lips are permanently stuck in the sipping position

Your first-aid kit contains two pints of coffee with an I.V. hookup

You get a speeding ticket even when you’re parked

You grind your coffee beans in your mouth

You sleep with your eyes open

You can type sixty words a minute with your feet

You can jump-start your car without cables

Your only sources of nutrition comes from “Sweet & Low”

You don’t sweat, you percolate

You’ve worn out the handle on your favorite coffee mug

You go to AA meetings just for the free coffee

You’ve worn the finish off you coffee table

The Taster’s Choice couple wants to adopt you

Starbuck’s owns the mortgage on your house


Doctor : Do you have a problem with caffeine?

Patient : I only have a problem without caffeine.


Sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation.


Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee.


Everybody should believe in something. I believe I'll have another coffee.


Given enough coffee, I could rule the world.


Coffee is a beverage that puts one to sleep when not drank.


okie dokie...enuf of coffee talk

back to exam...

''80% of the final exam will be based on the one lecture you missed and the one book you didn’t read.''

Damn! i cant remember how many lectures i missed and how many books i didn't read....
